Thursday, July 3, 2008

What's a good face wash for acne and kiss my face products for acne

Did you know that there are actually natural ways to cure acne? This all depends on the type of skin you have, but there are a variety of treatments and natural products you can use to eliminate acne. There are a ton of different products and natural remedy methods that worked for me. You just have to find out what works best for your skin type.
If your acne prevention does not work and you have an severe outbreak, you may need to seek further more aggressive treatments.
Carrots. Carrots contain bursts of vitamin A and while being a natural source means that it would not cause the serious side effects artificial vitamin A might otherwise. Vitamin A has long been confirmed to have a direct positive impact on acne. I have personally tried eating carrots to treat my acne, and I can confidently say that carrots work!
tags: how to treat body acne, top acne products, natural acne solution

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