Thursday, July 3, 2008

Surgery to help acne scars and hard acne like nodules in skin

Another very potent natural acne herbal treatment is Calendula. Although not as well known about, Calendula is a very effective acne treatment. Calendula is a skin tissue healer of potential damage from the acne. But Calendula is also a natural anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory completely natural product. Calendula comes in cream, or water base washing formula to cleanse the acne infected skin.
An example of one home remedy is using Tea Tree Oil. This is said to be as effective as benzoly peroxide however it may take longer to achieve results. You can get tea tree oil in a face wash. For the most effective results boil some water and steam you face then apply the face wash and pat dry.
When you are looking for a holistic treatment for your skin issues, remember that if something is good for your body in general, that it will generally be good for your skin as well. For instance, drinking plenty of water, getting lots of sleep and adding many leafy green vegetables to your diet to supply your body with Vitamin A are all great places to start. Make sure, though, that when you start treating you upper arm acne that you keep the condition keratosis pilaris in mind!
tags: pregnancy and chest acne, myth about food afecting acne, home acne remedies

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